Thursday, 1 September 2016

Nine Facts That You Must Know About Web Hosting

It is a well-known fact that the internet web hosting comes in all shapes and sizes. There are different plans with different features from which you can choose from.

Web hosting can be cheap and web hosting can be expensive, as it all depends upon what you need and how much money do you have in your pocket. If you are financially sound and want to take your business to a new height, then you can buy an expensive web hosting, which is known as dedicated hosting. In this, you will get a server upon which you’re your website will be hosted. The bandwidth and the storage is all yours. If you are looking for a cheap way, then you can buy free web hosting, which will not be free, but the charges are as low as a pork sub. There are nine facts about web hosting, which you must know otherwise there could be troubles for you at the time of buying the website hosting for your website.
  1. Cost

You have to determine your budget. This is the first and the foremost thing that you have to do. When you know about your budget, then you can easily decide as to which webhosting you should go with. The more money you add into the hosting, the more features you are going to get. You must treat your website like a business and not a personal website if you want to make money out of it. Low cost will get you free or shared hosting, whereas you can buy a dedicated server if you invest good money. You can also buy a free web server if you want.
  1. Support

This is a broad term in hosting. When you buy a web hosting, you want to check how the support is and what will you receive in the support. Usually, the support providers takes care of the hardware needs, patching, server admin, connection to the web and the general maintenance of all the systems. As the owner of the site, it is your duty to decide whether you want free WordPress hosting or free PHP hosting, as both are available along with many more. The support should be available via call, email and live chat.
  1. Communication

You should know how your web host is communicating with you and other clients. Communication needs to be prompt and precise because the site won’t go down with warning, so a host must communicate to the client that his/her website is down and it will be back live in this much time. A good web hosting company will always communicate in an efficient manner because they know the value of it. The web hosting company must communicate about any changes in the maintenance of the systems or regarding any modifications that they are planning to do on a certain date. These small things account for a safe and reliable webhost.
  1. Types of Hosting

There are five types of hosting that you can choose from, these are;
  1. Low cost or budget hosting.
  2. Medium level hosting.
  3. Managed hosting.
  4. Co-location hosting.
  5. Cloud hosting.
  6. Security
There are various factors that you have to check, some of which I am writing in this blog. These are; PCI compliance, Sarbanes-Oxley, SAS 70 compliance, HIPAA compliance, IDS, Security patches and DDoS.
  1. Host Size

The bigger the better is not the case in web hosting. The best web hosting company must have a limited amount of customers because only then, you can get the services worth your money. A company that is cluttered will not be able to deliver the quick and efficient services to its customers.
  1. Length of Time in Business

You need to check for how long the company has been in this hosting business. If the company is there for a long period of time, then it means that they are experienced campaigners and know how to compete.
  1. Limits

You must be aware of the limits that a web host is going to provide to you, as the limits related to bandwidth, disk space and memory varies with every web host. So, check all the details pertaining to it before buying the hosting.

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